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(2 edits)

Very much looking forward to future updates of this game, looks promising so far.

While it was probably unintended in the latest update, you should leave objectives half complete in the end of each update. It gets people who are unable to search to repeatedly ask the same questions, and as result bumps the thread(s) of your game ;)

Best of luck with the project!


Can we have for Android ver

have problems with the first part of the game it keeps freezing up on me 


will there be an android/ios version?

So that know...for science purpose ig

(1 edit)

Awellsome game! But i wanted to know if the only scnene in the game for now is the dream scene, bcos i think i finished all the content as all the characters dont have any interaction or conversation anymore. But please stay working in this game, it is REALLY good

This is the only scene currently. There will be one more h-scene in the next update :)

How can I save?

I dont see any button to save game


The saving happens when you sleep, or manually through the interaction with the bed. It is disabled during most quests in the intro though. I will make it more obvious in the next updates, because it seems to be a popular source of confusion.

I need help, i'm searching for screw driver i cannot find? or maybe i didnt understand. Where it is

This quest can not be finished yet. It was added for the future


this game is short

(1 edit)

Hi, sorry but isn't cheating  Netori and  NTR the same thing?


Netori: This is when the protagonist takes someone else's partner. In other words, they seduce or start a relationship with someone who is already in a committed relationship, from the perspective of the one "gaining" the partner.

Netorare (NTR): This is when the protagonist loses their partner because they are seduced or cheat on them. The focus here is on the suffering or humiliation of the one who is "betrayed.

It's all cheating in the end...


After putting the backpack away, there was no text message from Emma.


Sorry for late response. This is a known bug and I will try to fix it. Do you play with 120> hz monitor?

Game have beag potential, there's a lot bugs and that's why I looking forward for new updates! 

im really liked this game cant wait to next update can you give us a spoiler or update creator ?

Currently a lot of coding is going on, so no spoilers, but hopefully soon I can show you something :D
What I can say, the planned content is fire, if I manage to develop it the way I imagine it in my head haha

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi everyone. The game looks interesting and promising, I'm looking forward to the full release. But there is one bug that prevents me from getting to know the current version. After we finish our business in the store and it's time for us to go home, my character appears in the void with only a skybox and UI. Does anyone know what triggers this bug and if it can be bypassed?
UPD: Didn't notice the fix on the main page XD

Deleted post

Send me a text in the discord dm

(1 edit)

This game scream "great promise". Thank you for not being another cut and paste VN game. I like the cell-shaded style and even how you display the text, although sometimes it can be hard to follow the dialogue.

As a feature request, would love for customizable outfits and costumes. Something to think about in the future? 

Great game otherwise!

Thank you!

when is the next update coming out i enjoy this game so much 

Man you're a genius love the game (Even though it has no scenes)

The big questions are "how long it will take for updates" since there is only one scene in game now, basically handjob. And also another question is how good scenes will be. There is very few games with 3d where when "somethings" touching each other you see some kind of physics. So now i can and want to say that concept is great, i hope scenes will be great either.

(1 edit)

Absolutely love the concept. I've actually set an alarm for the release of this (v0.2) update, but in the end there was no need for the alarm at all.

I must say, though, the dialogue, despite making sense so far, is not at all pleasing to read. It lacks tone, emotion — that scene where Lucy argues with Benjamin did not feel like arguing at all. It would, however, if she where to scream across the living room when she went to her room after walking out. Caps lock, exclamations and overall proper ponctuation would completely change how the dialogue reads. Along with that, you should definitely revise your text before publishing updates to make sure the grammar is right (or, you could try to get someone to do that for you).

Another thing I believe would be worth mentioning is that Benjamin looks unsettling. Not in a "I don't like this guy" way, as I'm sure that would be intended: its model looks off. Benjamin doesn't look like the asshole uncle that anyone would want to fuck over, he looks like the annoying cousin that breaks your shit and tells his mom it was your fault. He looks way too young, his proportions are not really masculine, and with his name being Ben, I can't help but compare him to Ben Shapiro the whole time. I beg of  you, please rework his model, or at the very least, its head.

Either way, critique aside, I wish you and your project the best, I'll be looking forward for the updates!


Thank you for your feedback. I've read one already that was very close to yours (I guess it was you). I will work on the points you mentioned, since I agree with most of them. But first I would need to implement planned features and fix the game breaking bugs :D

Perfectly understandable! Assuming it was in f95zone, it most certainly was me, then. Once again, keep up the good work, I'll be gladly following the progress!

Absolutely adore the 3d freedom this game gives. I wish more stuff in the house was interactive, if you're able to visit all rooms freely, maybe you could get a glimpse at the more "personal" side of the women in the house, if y'know what i mean... just little easter eggs or little side quests to make the game a little more entertaining. absolutely adore the demo so far, cant wait to see how this evolves.




First dev I've followed on Itch because this is so high quality! The alpha (v0.0.1) is a higher quality than many "finished" games, I'm excited to see this game grow!


Is there any way to make the game window smaller using hotkeys? For context I am using a widescreen monitor but the disclaimer screen (which I assume has an accept button) cuts off at the bottom of the text, preventing me from actually playing

I fixed this bug in the new version that will be out in two weeks. Currently there is no hotkey for that

Can you update discord invite link please?

Any updates?

where is the screwdriver to repair the console?

Anyone else have a bug where mouse and keyboard input dont register or work, At first I thought it was just the intro scene where halfway my stopped mouse working then once I was on the bus my keyboard didn't work.

This is a bug fixed in the 0.0.2 version that is uploaded on the discord. But if you don't want to download it, you can just start a new game and don't change the name of your character. This should be temporary fix for that

Oh ok, thanks

oh this game has a bright future

I think this is a really good, game, i liked a lot how the characters have the letters on their own heads and the expresions that they do to the situations that are happening, is really short for now the game but i really have high hopes on this proyect

how do i fix the graphic

What's wrong with it?

grahic just dropped i cant even read the words

Join the discord and upload a picture in the #bugs channel please, maybe then I can help you

great game wanted to let you know i found a bug that put u on the flood during the drunk sleeping scene seemed to be related to how close you were to the bed i think

Thank you :D
I think i already fixed that bug in the next version :)

So cool! It hurts the demo is so short... Can't wait for more!


this demo has more quality that some full games



Great beginning ! please more <3 

more please

Great game, and for a version 0.0.1 it's fantastic, congratulations, this game has a lot of future.


It's only 0.0.1 now but it already feels like a beta version. Definitivly will support and follow. This game hits my jam and the characters are attractive and the dialogue is believeable you think you live with a different family. The planned content are a banger.

This game has peak potential in my eyes. !!!

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