Devlog #1

Hello guys!

Welcome to the first devlog of the upcoming game, 'Aunt's House,' which is scheduled to release its first beta version at the beginning of September. Development of the first version is going really well, and we've made significant progress since creating this page. To keep this post short and informative, I'll briefly share the current status of the game, followed by a progress table at the end.

Status of the game:

As of August 17th, the game is practically ready for its initial release. All the planned scenes and storyline have been written and developed, and the animations are complete! Currently, I'm making slight changes to the visual style of the game, including rewriting shaders, updating materials, and reworking hair textures. Recently, new functionality was added to the dialogue system, so the dialogues for the main storyline will be reviewed and reworked to utilize the new system.

Once these tasks are completed, I'll begin testing and bug-fixing. After that, the first test version will be released to proofreaders. To become one you can follow the Discord: I also post small progress posts there more often!

Progress (Demo Version):

- Story: 95%
- Cutscenes: 99%
- Planned Gameplay Features: 100%
- Animations: 100%
- Sounds: 50% :(

Given the current progress, the planned schedule for September appears realistic and is unlikely to be delayed.

Get Aunt's House

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